Source code for

"""Functionality that extends on what the base StatsCan api returns in some way.

Function to delete tables

Extend getChangedCubeList with a function that returns all tables updated
within a date range
import json
import pathlib
import zipfile

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm

from stats_can.helpers import parse_tables
from stats_can.helpers import parse_vectors
from stats_can.scwds import get_bulk_vector_data_by_range
from stats_can.scwds import get_code_sets
from stats_can.scwds import get_cube_metadata
from stats_can.scwds import get_data_from_vectors_and_latest_n_periods
from stats_can.scwds import get_full_table_download
from stats_can.scwds import get_series_info_from_vector

[docs]def get_tables_for_vectors(vectors): """Get a list of dicts mapping vectors to tables. Parameters ---------- vectors : list of str or str Vectors to find tables for Returns ------- tables_list: list of dict keys for each vector number return the table, plus a key for 'all_tables' that has a list of unique tables used by vectors """ v_json = get_series_info_from_vector(vectors) vectors = [j["vectorId"] for j in v_json] tables_list = {j["vectorId"]: str(j["productId"]) for j in v_json} tables_list["all_tables"] = [] for vector in vectors: if tables_list[vector] not in tables_list["all_tables"]: tables_list["all_tables"].append(tables_list[vector]) return tables_list
[docs]def table_subsets_from_vectors(vectors): """Get a list of dicts mapping tables to vectors. Parameters ---------- vectors : list of str or str Vectors to find tables for Returns ------- tables_dict: list of dict keys for each table used by the vectors, matched to a list of vectors """ start_tables_dict = get_tables_for_vectors(vectors) tables_dict = {t: [] for t in start_tables_dict["all_tables"]} vecs = list(start_tables_dict.keys())[:-1] # all but the all_tables key for vec in vecs: tables_dict[start_tables_dict[vec]].append(vec) return tables_dict
[docs]def download_tables(tables, path=None, csv=True): """Download a json file and zip of data for a list of tables to path. Parameters ---------- tables: list of str tables to be downloaded path: str or path object, default: None (will do current directory) Where to download the table and json csv: boolean, default True download in CSV format, if not download SDMX Returns ------- downloaded: list list of tables that were downloaded """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if path else pathlib.Path() metas = get_cube_metadata(tables) for meta in metas: product_id = meta["productId"] zip_url = get_full_table_download(product_id, csv=csv) zip_file_name = product_id + ("" if csv else ".zip") json_file_name = product_id + ".json" zip_file = path / zip_file_name json_file = path / json_file_name # Thanks response = requests.get(zip_url, stream=True, headers={"user-agent": None}) progress_bar = tqdm( desc=zip_file_name, total=int(response.headers.get("content-length", 0)), unit="B", unit_scale=True, ) # Thanks with open(json_file, "w") as outfile: json.dump(meta, outfile) with open(zip_file, "wb") as handle: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=512): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks handle.write(chunk) progress_bar.update(len(chunk)) progress_bar.close() return [meta["productId"] for meta in metas]
[docs]def zip_update_tables(path=None, csv=True): """Check local json, update zips of outdated tables. Grabs the json files in path, checks them against the metadata on StatsCan and grabs updated tables where there have been changes There isn't actually a "last modified date" part to the metadata What I'm doing is comparing the latest reference period. Almost all data changes will at least include incremental releases, so this should capture what I want Parameters ---------- path: str or pathlib.Path, default: None where to look for tables to update csv: boolean, default: True Downloads updates in CSV form by default, SDMX if false Returns ------- update_table_list: list list of the tables that were updated """ local_jsons = list_zipped_tables(path=path) tables = [j["productId"] for j in local_jsons] remote_jsons = get_cube_metadata(tables) update_table_list = [ local["productId"] for local, remote in zip(local_jsons, remote_jsons) if local["cubeEndDate"] != remote["cubeEndDate"] ] download_tables(update_table_list, path, csv=csv) return update_table_list
[docs]def zip_table_to_dataframe(table, path=None): """Read a StatsCan table into a pandas DataFrame. If a zip file of the table does not exist in path, downloads it Parameters ---------- table: str the table to load to dataframe from zipped csv path: str or pathlib.Path, default: current working directory when module is loaded where to download the tables or load them Returns ------- df: pandas.DataFrame the table as a dataframe """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if path else pathlib.Path() # Parse tables returns a list, can only do one table at a time here though table = parse_tables(table)[0] table_zip = table + "" table_zip = path / table_zip if not table_zip.is_file(): download_tables([table], path) csv_file = table + ".csv" with zipfile.ZipFile(table_zip) as myzip: with as myfile: col_names = pd.read_csv(myfile, nrows=0).columns # reopen the file or it misses the first row with as myfile: types_dict = {"VALUE": float} types_dict.update({col: str for col in col_names if col not in types_dict}) df = pd.read_csv(myfile, dtype=types_dict) possible_cats = [ "GEO", "DGUID", "STATUS", "SYMBOL", "TERMINATED", "DECIMALS", "UOM", "UOM_ID", "SCALAR_FACTOR", "SCALAR_ID", "VECTOR", "COORDINATE", "Wages", "National Occupational Classification for Statistics (NOC-S)", "Supplementary unemployment rates", "Sex", "Age group", "Labour force characteristics", "Statistics", "Data type", "Job permanency", "Union coverage", "Educational attainment", ] actual_cats = [col for col in possible_cats if col in col_names] df[actual_cats] = df[actual_cats].astype("category") df["REF_DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df["REF_DATE"], errors="ignore") return df
[docs]def list_zipped_tables(path=None): """List StatsCan tables available. defaults to looking in the current working directory and for zipped CSVs Parameters ---------- path: string or path, default None Where to look for zipped tables Returns ------- tables: list list of available tables json data """ # Find json files path = pathlib.Path(path) if path else pathlib.Path.cwd() jsons = path.glob("*.json") tables = [] for j in jsons: try: with open(j) as json_file: result = json.load(json_file) if "productId" in result: tables.append(result) except ValueError as e: print("failed to read json file" + j) print(e) return tables
[docs]def tables_to_h5(tables, h5file="stats_can.h5", path=None): """Take a table and its metadata and put it in an hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- tables: list of str tables to add to the h5file h5file: str, default stats_can.h5 name of the h5file to store the tables in path: str or path, default = current working directory path to the h5file Returns ------- tables: list list of tables loaded into the file """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if path else pathlib.Path() h5file = path / h5file tables = parse_tables(tables) path = h5file.parent for table in tables: hkey = "table_" + table jkey = "json_" + table zip_file = table + "" json_file = table + ".json" zip_file = path / zip_file json_file = path / json_file if not json_file.is_file(): download_tables([table], path) df = zip_table_to_dataframe(table, path=path) with open(json_file) as f_name: df_json = json.load(f_name) with pd.HDFStore(h5file, "a") as store: store.put(key=hkey, value=df, format="table", complevel=1) with h5py.File(h5file, "a") as hfile: if jkey in hfile.keys(): del hfile[jkey] hfile.create_dataset(jkey, data=json.dumps(df_json)) zip_file.unlink() json_file.unlink() return tables
[docs]def table_from_h5(table, h5file="stats_can.h5", path=None): """Read a table from h5 to a dataframe. Parameters ---------- table: str name of the table to read h5file: str, default stats_can.h5 name of the h5file to retrieve the table from path: str or path, default = current working directory path to the h5file Returns ------- df: pd.DataFrame table in dataframe format """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if path else pathlib.Path() table = "table_" + parse_tables(table)[0] h5 = path / h5file try: with pd.HDFStore(h5, "r") as store: df = pd.read_hdf(store, key=table) except (KeyError, OSError): print("Downloading and loading " + table) tables_to_h5(tables=table, h5file=h5file, path=path) with pd.HDFStore(h5, "r") as store: df = pd.read_hdf(store, key=table) return df
[docs]def metadata_from_h5(tables, h5file="stats_can.h5", path=None): """Read table metadata from h5. Parameters ---------- tables: str or list of str name of the tables to read h5file: str, default stats_can.h5 name of the h5file to retrieve the table from path: str or path, default = current working directory path to the h5file Returns ------- list of local table metadata """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if path else pathlib.Path() h5file = path / h5file tables = ["json_" + tbl for tbl in parse_tables(tables)] jsons = [] try: with h5py.File(h5file, "r") as f: for tbl in tables: try: table_json = json.loads(f[tbl][()]) jsons += [table_json] except KeyError: print("Couldn't find table " + tbl) except OSError: print(f"{h5file} does not exist") return jsons
[docs]def list_h5_tables(path=None, h5file="stats_can.h5"): """Return a list of metadata for StatsCan tables from an hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- path: str or path, default = current working directory path to the h5 file h5file: str, default stats_can.h5 name of the h5file to read table data from Returns ------- jsons: list list of available tables json data """ keys = h5_included_keys(h5file=h5file, path=path) tables = parse_tables([k for k in keys if k.startswith("json_")]) return metadata_from_h5(tables, h5file=h5file, path=path)
[docs]def list_downloaded_tables(path=None, h5file="stats_can.h5"): """Return a list of metadata for StatsCan tables. Wrapper for list zipped tables and list h5 tables Parameters ---------- path: str or path, default = current working directory path to the h5 file h5file: str, default stats_can.h5 name of the h5file to read table data from Returns ------- jsons: list list of available tables json data """ if h5file: jsons = list_h5_tables(path=path, h5file=h5file) else: jsons = list_zipped_tables(path=path) return jsons
[docs]def h5_update_tables(h5file="stats_can.h5", path=None, tables=None): """Update any stats_can tables contained in an h5 file. Parameters ---------- h5file: str, default stats_can.h5 name of the h5file to store the tables in path: str or path, default = current working directory path to the h5file tables: str or list of str, optional, default None If included will only update the subset of tables already in the file and in the tables parameter Returns ------- update_table_list: [str] List of tables that were updated """ if tables: local_jsons = metadata_from_h5(tables, h5file=h5file, path=path) else: h5 = pathlib.Path(path) / h5file if path else pathlib.Path(h5file) with h5py.File(h5, "r") as f: keys = [key for key in f.keys() if key.startswith("json")] local_jsons = [json.loads(f[key][()]) for key in keys] tables = [j["productId"] for j in local_jsons] remote_jsons = get_cube_metadata(tables) update_table_list = [ local["productId"] for local, remote in zip(local_jsons, remote_jsons) if local["cubeEndDate"] != remote["cubeEndDate"] ] tables_to_h5(update_table_list, h5file=h5file, path=path) return update_table_list
[docs]def update_tables(path=None, h5file="stats_can.h5", tables=None, csv=True): """Update downloaded tables where required. Reads local metadata, either from json files or stored in an h5 file, compares it to the metadata on the StatsCan website and downloads those tables that don't have matching metadata Just a wrapper for zip_update tables and h5_update_tables functions Parameters ---------- path: str or path, default None Path where local tables are stored, assumes current directory if None h5file: str, default 'stats_can.h5' Name of the h5 file storing StatsCan tables, set to None for zips tables: list of str, default None For hdf5 only, update only a subset of tables that are both in the file and specified by this argument, None means update all tables csv: boolean, default True If updating zips this determines whether to update zipped CSV or SDMX Returns ------- update_table_list: list of str list of updated tables """ if h5file: return h5_update_tables(h5file=h5file, path=path, tables=tables) else: return zip_update_tables(path=path, csv=csv)
[docs]def h5_included_keys(h5file="stats_can.h5", path=None): """Return a list of keys in an h5 file. Parameters ---------- h5file: str, default stats_can.h5 name of the h5file to store the tables in path: str or path, default = current working directory path to the h5file Returns ------- keys: list list of keys in the hdf5 file """ h5file = pathlib.Path(path) / h5file if path else pathlib.Path(h5file) with h5py.File(h5file, "r") as f: keys = [key for key in f.keys()] return keys
[docs]def delete_tables(tables, path=None, h5file="stats_can.h5", csv=True): """Delete downloaded tables. Parameters ---------- tables: list list of tables to delete path: str or path object, default None where to look for the tables to delete h5file: str default stats_can.h5 h5file to remove from, set to None to remove zips csv: boolean, default True if h5file is None this specifies whether to delete zipped csv or SDMX Returns ------- to_delete: list list of deleted tables """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if path else pathlib.Path() clean_tables = parse_tables(tables) available_tables_jsons = list_downloaded_tables(path=path, h5file=h5file) available_tables = [j["productId"] for j in available_tables_jsons] to_delete = [t for t in clean_tables if t in available_tables] if h5file: keys_to_del = [] for td in to_delete: json_to_del = "json_" + td tbl_to_del = "table_" + td keys_to_del.append(json_to_del) keys_to_del.append(tbl_to_del) h5file = path / h5file with h5py.File(h5file, "a") as f: for k in keys_to_del: del f[k] else: files_to_del = [] for td in to_delete: json_to_del = td + ".json" zip_to_del = td + ("" if csv else ".zip") files_to_del.append(zip_to_del) files_to_del.append(json_to_del) for file in files_to_del: p = path / file if p.is_file(): p.unlink() return to_delete
[docs]def table_to_df(table, path=None, h5file="stats_can.h5"): """Read a table to a dataframe. Wrapper for table_from_h5 and zip_table_to_dataframe Parameters ---------- table: str name of the table to read h5file: str, default stats_can.h5 name of the h5file to retrieve the table from, None for zip path: str or path, default = current working directory path to the table data Returns ------- df: pd.DataFrame table in dataframe format """ if h5file: df = table_from_h5(table=table, h5file=h5file, path=path) else: df = zip_table_to_dataframe(table=table, path=path) return df
[docs]def vectors_to_df(vectors, periods=1, start_release_date=None, end_release_date=None): """Get DataFrame of vectors with n periods data or over range of release dates. Wrapper on get_bulk_vector_data_by_range and get_data_from_vectors_and_latest_n_periods function to turn the resulting list of JSONs into a DataFrame Parameters ---------- vectors: str or list of str vector numbers to get info for periods: int number of periods to retrieve data for start_release_date: start release date for the data end_release_date: end release date for the data Returns ------- df: DataFrame vectors as columns and ref_date as the index (not release date) """ df = pd.DataFrame() if (end_release_date is None) | (start_release_date is None): start_list = get_data_from_vectors_and_latest_n_periods(vectors, periods) else: start_list = get_bulk_vector_data_by_range( vectors, start_release_date, end_release_date ) for vec in start_list: name = "v" + str(vec["vectorId"]) # If there's no data for the series just skip it if not vec["vectorDataPoint"]: continue ser = ( pd.DataFrame(vec["vectorDataPoint"]) .assign(refPer=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x["refPer"], errors="ignore")) .set_index("refPer") .rename(columns={"value": name}) .filter([name]) ) df = pd.concat([df, ser], axis=1, sort=True) return df
[docs]def vectors_to_df_local(vectors, path=None, start_date=None, h5file="stats_can.h5"): """Make a dataframe with vector columns indexed on date from local data. Parameters ---------- vectors: list list of vectors to be read in path: str or path object, default None path to StatsCan tables start_date: datetime, optional, default None optional earliest reference date to include h5file: str, default stats_can.h5 if specified will extract dataframes from an hdf5file instead of zipped csv tables Returns ------- final_df: pandas.DataFrame DataFrame of the vectors """ # Preserve an initial copy of the list for ordering, parsed and then # converted to string for consistency in naming vectors_ordered = parse_vectors(vectors) vectors_ordered = ["v" + str(v) for v in vectors_ordered] table_vec_dict = table_subsets_from_vectors(vectors) tables = list(table_vec_dict.keys()) tables_dfs = {} columns = ["REF_DATE", "VECTOR", "VALUE"] if h5file: meta = metadata_from_h5(tables, h5file=h5file, path=path) existing_tables = [t["productId"] for t in meta] to_download_tables = list(set(tables) - set(existing_tables)) tables_to_h5(to_download_tables, h5file=h5file, path=path) for table in tables: if h5file: tables_dfs[table] = table_from_h5(table, h5file=h5file, path=path)[columns] else: tables_dfs[table] = zip_table_to_dataframe(table, path)[columns] df = tables_dfs[table] # save me some typing vec_list = ["v" + str(v) for v in table_vec_dict[table]] df = df[df["VECTOR"].isin(vec_list)] if start_date is not None: start_date = np.datetime64(start_date) df = df[df["REF_DATE"] >= start_date] df = df.pivot(index="REF_DATE", columns="VECTOR", values="VALUE") df.columns = list(df.columns) # remove categorical index tables_dfs[table] = df final_df = tables_dfs[tables[0]] for table in tables[1:]: final_df = pd.merge( final_df, tables_dfs[table], how="outer", left_index=True, right_index=True ) final_df = final_df[vectors_ordered] return final_df
[docs]def code_sets_to_df_dict(): """Get all code sets. Code sets provide additional metadata to describe information. Code sets are grouped into scales, frequencies, symbols etc. and returned as dictionary of dataframes. Returns ------- pandas.Dataframe: list dictionary of dataframes """ codes = get_code_sets() # Packs each code group in a dataframe for better lookup via dictionary codes_df_lookup = {key: pd.DataFrame(codes[key]) for key in codes.keys()} return codes_df_lookup